Creating Routes

Why rich stay rich: Asymmetric risks


Have you noticed that rich people’s children stay rich? This not only happens because they have more opportunities but also because they know how to seize them.

In this article we will discuss one of several factors that make the rich stay rich, with this new power, you’ll start detecting opportunities where others see nothing.

What the heck is an asymmetric risk?

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Asymmetric risks are about betting small for a high probability of rewards.

Here’s a story taken from the book “Deep Work” that perfectly explains this concept, it involves Peter Shankman, an entrepreneur, and social media pioneer.

Peter spent much of his time traveling by plane, leaving him little to no time… <Or this is how a non-rich person would see it>. Peter realized that these moments, being at 10.000m, locked in a seat with nothing in front of him, nothing to distract him was the perfect opportunity to write a book. Therefore, Shankman signed a book contract that gave him only two weeks to finish the entire manuscript. Meeting this deadline would require incredible concentration. To achieve this state, Shankman did something unconventional. He booked a round-trip business-class ticket to Tokyo. He wrote during the whole flight to Japan, drank an espresso in the business class lounge once he arrived in Japan, then turned around and flew back, once again writing the whole way—arriving back in the States only thirty hours after he first left with a completed manuscript now in hand. “The trip cost $4,000 and was worth every penny”, he explained.

Breaking down the asymmetric risk: $4,000 investment for a HUGE reward, far beyond the initial investment.

Getting down to business

How can you apply asymmetric risk in your professional life? Here you have some examples:


This platform is by far the most important when it comes to finding a new job, therefore, your profile should say “I’m the one you’re looking for” by itself. By investing small amounts on this platform, you can have HUGE returns, it worked out for me!

  • Professional photo: Four years ago, I paid a professional photographer $60 for a session. From there I got both profile and background photos. It was worth every penny, Linkedin has helped me to find amazing job opportunities.


We are living in an era where you can have an X1000 return on your investment by just pressing a button. Of course, the possibilities of getting such returns are low, but it only takes ONE investment to blow up to compensate for all other investments. Investing early on, as little as $50 (a dinner) in a new cryptocurrency can become your new house down payment.

This example is a tricky one because as humans we tend to just look at how much we can lose instead of how much we can win. Is it $50 really that much? Or $20.


One year ago, I obtained a SCRUM Master certification, it was easy and it cost $150 but my Linkedin profile exploded.

The same happened with other certifications that cost just around $100 but helped me land new jobs. They were worth every penny.


Books are a hack in life: You get the life experience of someone who is/was experienced in their field for just a few dollars. Just one sentence in the book can make your investment totally worth it.

Please, don’t save the money when it comes to buying books, your future yourself will thank you!

Think like a winner

If you were to take something from this article with you, let it be this: Don’t think “I could lose these few pennies amount”, instead, ask yourself: “How could I convert these few pennies into thousands of dollars?”.

Those who think in pennies amounts remain in pennies amounts.

Do you think asymmetric risks, with small investments, are worth pursuing? Let me know!

If you liked this idea of asymmetric risks, here is a great Youtube video from one of the best channels, Alux:


  • Rich people know how to leverage asymmetric risks.
  • Smart small investments could have a huge potential return.
  • Don’t get stuck thinking about “I might lose some pennies”, watch them as they’re: pennies.

3 Steps to stay ahead in the job market

Stay ahead in the job market

If you want to be the one deciding your own professional future: where, how, and when to work, then you came to the right place

We are here to learn how to be winners creating our own route. We build our path for ourselves, we don’t let others decide for us. 

Establishing the right mindset

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The job market moves in the same way as the economy does: following the law of supply and demand.

While a profession like a typist was in high demand 40 years ago, today is not the case.

The job market doesn’t care if you only know how to be a typist, how to design a building, or how to program in an old programming language. 

Maybe you spent years building your career, but if there isn’t demand for that set of skills, I have bad news for you: You won’t be the one deciding your own future.

Step 1: What a time to be alive

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How do we know what skills are in high demand? It’s way easier than you think. Actually, you can check your skills right now. Avoid asking around to people with biases, go to the top job search engines: Linkedin or Indeed

Just set the location where you’re at and type down your most important technical skill, certification, degree, or job title. In this way, for free, and in a matter of minutes, you’ll have a customized market research.

Step2: Starting at the end

The standard process is: build your set of skills first and then look for job openings. We, winners, do it backward: we look for skills in high demand by analyzing job opening positions and then we build our skills.

This, my friend, is what set you and me apart. From here we can create our own route.

Developing your skills

You already know what skills really matter, now what? Now you learn them! Don’t worry, in a bunch of cases you don’t have to spend your life savings. Platforms like Udemy make it easy for us. In Udemy you can learn about writing, coding, managing, and much more. Other platforms are Skillshare, Edx, Coursera, or Udacity.

The kind of education that I propose to you is cheap, but top quality. That’s that path that I followed and now I receive at least 1 job offer a day through Linkedin: 

Step 3: Saying goodbye to sunk cost fallacy

Do you remember sunk cost fallacy and how to avoid it? If not, here is the article.

My friend, I know you spent lots of time and effort building that “typist” career. None said letting go is easy, but as in toxic relationships: does that partner (in this case, career) is dragging you down?

There is much more to win in the long run than there is to lose. Do you want to be free? Do you want to be the one creating your own route?

This is definitively a different approach to professional life. Do you have another tip to share?


  • Job Market follows the law of supply and demand.
  • Market research is easier than ever before.
  • You don’t have to go bankrupt to learn new skills.
  • Don’t let the sunk cost fallacy drag you down.

How to shake hands with your future self: Two steps

Shaking hads with your future self

I have a question for you: Do you see yourself in the same spot (job, relationship, wealth, or health) 5 or 10 years from now? If you answered no, then this article is for you. 

In this blogpost I’ll walk with you on a journey where we’ll see how to be in a better place in the future, in two simple steps.

Step 1: have the right compass in your life

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Hands down the best idea that I took from the book The 7 Habits of highly effective people, by Stephen R. Covey is: All things are created twice: first in your mind, and second, physically.  

For instance, if you were to create a home, you’d first create a layout in your head to later reduce it to a blueprint. 

In this first phase, some iterations could come and go, but this is the most important part of the home creation. Otherwise, if a blueprint wasn’t created beforehand, and all decisions were to be made along the way, you’d have to make expensive changes that may double the cost of your home.

If you create a blueprint for building a home, why not for your life? Don’t you think that your life is incalculably more important than a home? 

If fixings and adaptations during home construction could cost thousands of dollars, how much could they cost for your life construction?

Plan ahead! You’re the one to decide if in 5 years from now you want to be in the same spot as of today. Regarding your job, debt, health, or relationship.

If you find yourself in the future in the place where you wanted to be, it’s all due to the planning and improving through iterations. At this point, you’ll want to shake hands with your past self: He/She was the one planning your current life, he/she was the one improving 1% every day to be where you’re right now. And this takes us to the second step:

Step 2: 1% Better every day

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I have good news for you: Your skills are not fixed! You don’t have to tag yourself as being bad at something for your entire life. Skills development is not a cliché, it’s actually promoted by the psychologist Carol Dweck in her book Mindset: The New psychology of success

Your future self doesn’t have to be equal to your current you. Actually, the idea is your future self being better than your current self, in several planes of life. 

How do you make sure that your future self is going to be better? Little but constant improvements, every day. 

Health: What could start as drinking enough water a day, could evolve to running 5km a week, to going to the gym three times a week. The first steps are baby steps, then walking, and finally running. It doesn’t have to be all at once.

Reading: It’s a habit that opens worlds. It’s a way, maybe the best way, to get the experience of someone, through their own eyes, in a condensed way. Years and years of living are reduced to a single book. 

Start by constantly reading a blog (maybe this one) to later evolve to easy books like Investing for Dummies to later evolve to the Intelligent Investor. Or maybe from How to win friends and influence people to later evolve to Emotional Intelligence. The thing is: start today the reading habit!

Investing: The first step is to learn about basic investing vocabulary. You can learn it in the 3-blogpost series “Creating Your own route of investments”. Later evolve to setting up an account with a brokerage firm or financial institution. By this time, you’ll know what to invest in.

For all these areas there will be ups and downs along the way, that is normal. With every down, then comes an up. Actually, it’s the downs that give you feedback on what to improve on. And those feedbacks produce iterations that will bring you to be better. 


  • If you plan a project, a home, or a journey, why don’t you plan your life? Don’t let your life-route be run by random events.
  • Your skills are not fixed, don’t let your mind think the other way around.
  • Just 1% improvement every day. The quantity of improvement isn’t as important as consistency.
  • Again, plan ahead!